Group Size:
For 10 lab groups
Time Required:
Set Up - 50 minutes / Incubation - overnight / Transformation - 15 minutes
Kit Includes:
Instructions, BactoBeads™ E. coli GFP Host, supercoiled pFluoroGreen™ plasmid DNA, ampicillin, IPTG, CaCl2, Growth Additive, ReadyPour™ Luria Broth Agar (sterile), Luria Broth Medium for Recovery (sterile), petri plates (small), petri plates (large), plastic microtipped transfer pipets, wrapped 10 ml pipet (sterile), toothpicks (sterile), inoculating loops (sterile), microcentrifuge tubes
All You Need:
Automatic micropipette (5-50 µl) and tips, two water baths (37ºC and 42ºC), thermometer, incubation oven (37ºC), pipet pumps or bulbs, ice, marking pens, bunsen burner, hot plate or microwave, hot gloves, long wave UV light
Some Components Require Refrigerator and Freezer Storage
Instructional Videos:
EdvoTech Tips:
Edvotek Informational Video:
Live Stream Webinar:
Transformation: Tips & Tricks for AP® Biology Exploration 8 - Watch as Dr. Danielle Snowflack explores the biological process of bacterial transformation using E. coli and plasmid DNA, discusses our NEW and IMPROVED transformation protocol, and shares some tips and tricks for success. An optional extension uses the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to analyze your transformation, amping up your biotech lesson.
Additional Resources:
For 10 lab groups
Time Required:
Set Up - 50 minutes / Incubation - overnight / Transformation - 15 minutes
Kit Includes:
Instructions, BactoBeads™ E. coli GFP Host, supercoiled pFluoroGreen™ plasmid DNA, ampicillin, IPTG, CaCl2, Growth Additive, ReadyPour™ Luria Broth Agar (sterile), Luria Broth Medium for Recovery (sterile), petri plates (small), petri plates (large), plastic microtipped transfer pipets, wrapped 10 ml pipet (sterile), toothpicks (sterile), inoculating loops (sterile), microcentrifuge tubes
All You Need:
Automatic micropipette (5-50 µl) and tips, two water baths (37ºC and 42ºC), thermometer, incubation oven (37ºC), pipet pumps or bulbs, ice, marking pens, bunsen burner, hot plate or microwave, hot gloves, long wave UV light
Some Components Require Refrigerator and Freezer Storage
Instructional Videos:
EdvoTech Tips:
Edvotek Informational Video:
Live Stream Webinar:
Transformation: Tips & Tricks for AP® Biology Exploration 8 - Watch as Dr. Danielle Snowflack explores the biological process of bacterial transformation using E. coli and plasmid DNA, discusses our NEW and IMPROVED transformation protocol, and shares some tips and tricks for success. An optional extension uses the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to analyze your transformation, amping up your biotech lesson.
Additional Resources: