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Detection of a Simulated Infectious Agent

SKU: 166


NGSS-aligned with MS-LS2.C

An infectious outbreak requires prompt & accurate identification of the biological agent. Often, early clinical symptoms are first identified in exposed individuals & then infectious agents are identified by lab tests. In this kit, students will transmit a simulated infectious agent (chemical dye) between classmates. The simulated infectious agent is only visible under long UV light. The pattern of transmission and primary source will be documented.

• Use your classroom to safely simulate how an infectious microorganism spreads throughout a population
• Glove up and then transmit the invisible germs by shaking hands (and sharing fluorescent or non-fluorescent powder)
• Visualize infections using a black light
• Use contact tracing methods to identify spreading points and primary sources


Group Size:

For 25 students

Time Required:

Complete in 30-35 minutes

Kit Includes:

Instructions, reagents for simulating an infectious agent (fluorescent dye indicator and negative sample), test tubes & caps, transfer pipets, one long UV mini-light, cotton swabs, petroleum jelly, gloves.

All you need:



Group Size:

For 25 students

Time Required:

Complete in 30-35 minutes

Kit Includes:

Instructions, reagents for simulating an infectious agent (fluorescent dye indicator and negative sample), test tubes & caps, transfer pipets, one long UV mini-light, cotton swabs, petroleum jelly, gloves.

All you need:
