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Environmental Toxicity Response in C. elegans

SKU: 856


Caenorhabditis elegans is a soil nematode with great potential for educational research, partly because of its rapid (3-day) life cycle, small size (1.0-mm-long adult), and ease of laboratory growth cultivation. In this experiment, students will observe and compare the effects of heavy metals found in the environment on normal and mutant strains of Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans).

*Kit contains LIVE materials. Please request materials 2 weeks prior to lab*


Group Size:

For 10 lab groups

Time Required:

Growing Bacteria - overnight
Plating Worms - 15 minutes
Worm Growth - 3-4 days
Toxicity Experiment - 45-60 minutes

Kit Includes:

Instructions, Wild-Type C. elegans, ADR-2 Mutant C. elegans, petri dishes, NGM medium salts, ReadyPour NGM Agar, E. coli 0P50 Bactobeads™, cell counting chambers, buffer, pipets, sterile loops, tubes and heavy metal compounds.

All You Need:

Ethanol, timers, microscopes, water bath, covered box, incubator (optional).


Some Components Require Refrigerator Storage.


Troubleshooting Guides:

Safety Data Sheets:

Instructional Videos:


Group Size:

For 10 lab groups

Time Required:

Growing Bacteria - overnight
Plating Worms - 15 minutes
Worm Growth - 3-4 days
Toxicity Experiment - 45-60 minutes

Kit Includes:

Instructions, Wild-Type C. elegans, ADR-2 Mutant C. elegans, petri dishes, NGM medium salts, ReadyPour NGM Agar, E. coli 0P50 Bactobeads™, cell counting chambers, buffer, pipets, sterile loops, tubes and heavy metal compounds.

All You Need:

Ethanol, timers, microscopes, water bath, covered box, incubator (optional).


Some Components Require Refrigerator Storage.

Troubleshooting Guides:

Safety Data Sheets:

Instructional Videos: