Group Size:
For 10 lab groups
Time Required:
Complete in 60 minutes
Kit Includes:
Instructions, pre-digested DNA samples, UltraSpec-Agarose™ powder, electrophoresis buffer, SYBR® Safe DNA stain, FlashBlue™ DNA stain, 1 mL pipet, microtipped transfer pipets, chromatograms.
All You Need:
Electrophoresis apparatus & power supply, automatic micropipette with tips, balance, microwave or hot plate, water bath (65ºC), UV Transilluminator or blue light visualization system, pipet pump or bulb, 250 ml Flasks, small plastic trays, UV safety goggles, computer with internet access, lab journal, distilled or deionized water.
Instructional Videos:
Edvotek® YouTube Live Stream - Cancer Diagnostics (featuring EDVO-Kits #115 & #314) - What is cancer, how does it affect the human body, and how can we test for it? Watch Dr. Danielle Snowflack discuss the advances in cancer diagnosis and demonstrate elements from EDVO-Kits #115 & #314!
Safety Data Sheets:
For 10 lab groups
Time Required:
Complete in 60 minutes
Kit Includes:
Instructions, pre-digested DNA samples, UltraSpec-Agarose™ powder, electrophoresis buffer, SYBR® Safe DNA stain, FlashBlue™ DNA stain, 1 mL pipet, microtipped transfer pipets, chromatograms.
All You Need:
Electrophoresis apparatus & power supply, automatic micropipette with tips, balance, microwave or hot plate, water bath (65ºC), UV Transilluminator or blue light visualization system, pipet pump or bulb, 250 ml Flasks, small plastic trays, UV safety goggles, computer with internet access, lab journal, distilled or deionized water.
Instructional Videos:
Edvotek® YouTube Live Stream - Cancer Diagnostics (featuring EDVO-Kits #115 & #314) - What is cancer, how does it affect the human body, and how can we test for it? Watch Dr. Danielle Snowflack discuss the advances in cancer diagnosis and demonstrate elements from EDVO-Kits #115 & #314!
Safety Data Sheets: