Group Size:
For 6 blots
Time Required:
Electrophoresis - 45 minutes | Blot - overnight | Detection - 25 minutes
Kit Includes:
Instructions, samples, standard molecular weight markers, protein agarose, various buffers and reagents, PVDF membrane, filter paper, stain, 1 ml pipet, 100 ml graduated cylinder.
All You Need:
Electrophoresis apparatus, power supply, automatic micropipettes with tips, microwave or hot plate, incubation oven, shaker platform, lab glassware, small plastic trays, microtest tubes, pipet pumps or bulbs, metric rulers, distilled water, methanol, glacial acetic acid.
Some Components Require Freezer Storage
For 6 blots
Time Required:
Electrophoresis - 45 minutes | Blot - overnight | Detection - 25 minutes
Kit Includes:
Instructions, samples, standard molecular weight markers, protein agarose, various buffers and reagents, PVDF membrane, filter paper, stain, 1 ml pipet, 100 ml graduated cylinder.
All You Need:
Electrophoresis apparatus, power supply, automatic micropipettes with tips, microwave or hot plate, incubation oven, shaker platform, lab glassware, small plastic trays, microtest tubes, pipet pumps or bulbs, metric rulers, distilled water, methanol, glacial acetic acid.
Some Components Require Freezer Storage