Group Size:
For 20 DNA isolations and 5 gels
Time Required:
Complete in 1 hour 45 minutes
Kit Includes:
Instructions, Chromosomal LyphoCells™, various solutions and buffers, agarose powder, FlashBlue™ Stain.
All You Need:
Water bath, pipet pumps or bulbs, lab glassware, distilled or deionized water, 95-100% isopropanol.
For Optional Electrophoresis:
Electrophoresis apparatus, power supply, automatic micropipet with tips, balance, microwave oven or hot plate, misc. labware, white light visualization system, and photodocumentation system.
Room Temperature
For 20 DNA isolations and 5 gels
Time Required:
Complete in 1 hour 45 minutes
Kit Includes:
Instructions, Chromosomal LyphoCells™, various solutions and buffers, agarose powder, FlashBlue™ Stain.
All You Need:
Water bath, pipet pumps or bulbs, lab glassware, distilled or deionized water, 95-100% isopropanol.
For Optional Electrophoresis:
Electrophoresis apparatus, power supply, automatic micropipet with tips, balance, microwave oven or hot plate, misc. labware, white light visualization system, and photodocumentation system.
Room Temperature