Group Size:
For up to 20 plasmid isolations for up to 12 (7x7cm) gels
Time Required:
Complete in 1 hour 45 minutes
Kit Includes:
Instructions, Plasmid LyphoCells™, Tris Buffer Concentrate, Sodium Hydroxide Solution, SDS Solution, Resuspension Buffer, Potassium Acetate Solution, RNase Solution, UltraSpec-Agarose™, 10X Gel Loading Solution, 50X Concentrated Electrophoresis Buffer, Practice Gel Loading Solution, FlashBlue™ DNA Stain, InstaStain™ Blue Cards, Disposable Pipets, & Microcentrifuge Tubes.
All You Need:
DNA Electrophoresis, Micropipettes: 5-50 µl, Microcentrifuges, White Light Box, Microwave or Hot Plate, Isopropanol, & 70% Ethanol.
Plasmid LyphoCells™ require freezer storage. Keep all other components at Room Temperature. Note – Kit is shipped ambient
For up to 20 plasmid isolations for up to 12 (7x7cm) gels
Time Required:
Complete in 1 hour 45 minutes
Kit Includes:
Instructions, Plasmid LyphoCells™, Tris Buffer Concentrate, Sodium Hydroxide Solution, SDS Solution, Resuspension Buffer, Potassium Acetate Solution, RNase Solution, UltraSpec-Agarose™, 10X Gel Loading Solution, 50X Concentrated Electrophoresis Buffer, Practice Gel Loading Solution, FlashBlue™ DNA Stain, InstaStain™ Blue Cards, Disposable Pipets, & Microcentrifuge Tubes.
All You Need:
DNA Electrophoresis, Micropipettes: 5-50 µl, Microcentrifuges, White Light Box, Microwave or Hot Plate, Isopropanol, & 70% Ethanol.
Plasmid LyphoCells™ require freezer storage. Keep all other components at Room Temperature. Note – Kit is shipped ambient