Discovering Quantitative PCR Amplification and Analysis

SKU: 380


Quantitative PCR (qPCR also known as real-time PCR) simultaneously amplifies and detects targeted DNA allowing scientists to discover the starting amount of a specific DNA sequence in an experimental sample. This powerful and precise technology has become a cornerstone of modern genetics research, biological monitoring, and medical diagnostics. For students, performing qPCR offers the challenge of performing a mathematically and technically advanced experiment, the opportunity to understand key molecular concepts through hands-on learning, and an essential skill for future research work. In this specially adapted education qPCR experiment, students will quantify the DNA concentration of four experimental samples using a standard curve approach and then confirm the experiment’s specificity and accuracy through gel electrophoresis, melt curve analysis, and data analysis.

* Requires wet ice shipment for next day delivery (by 3:00 pm in most areas)

**This kit must be used with a RT Thermal Cycler**


Group Size:

For 4 lab groups

Time Required:

QPCR Setup - 45 minutes
QPCR - 90 minutes
Single Amplification Confirmation by Electrophoresis - 60 minutes
Staining - 5 minutes to overnight
Analysis of Results 45 mins

Kit Includes:

Instructions, qPCR Master Mix with Fluorescent Dye, Primer Mix, DNA Template, Experimental DNA Samples, Ultra-Pure Water, DNA Standard Marker, UltraSpec-Agarose™, 50X Electrophoresis Buffer, 10x Gel Loading Solution, SYBR® Safe Stain, Microcentrifuge & qPCR Tubes.

All You Need:

qPCR Thermal Cycler, Microcentrifuge, Micropipettes: 5-50 μl, Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus, DC Power Supply, UV Transilluminator or White Light Box, Microwave or Hot Plate, Pipet Pump, Balance, Hot Gloves, Laboratory Gloves, Beaker, Distilled Water, Ice.


Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt


Quick Guides:

Troubleshooting Guides:

Safety Data Sheets:

Group Size:

For 4 lab groups

Time Required:

QPCR Setup - 45 minutes
QPCR - 90 minutes
Single Amplification Confirmation by Electrophoresis - 60 minutes
Staining - 5 minutes to overnight
Analysis of Results 45 mins

Kit Includes:

Instructions, qPCR Master Mix with Fluorescent Dye, Primer Mix, DNA Template, Experimental DNA Samples, Ultra-Pure Water, DNA Standard Marker, UltraSpec-Agarose™, 50X Electrophoresis Buffer, 10x Gel Loading Solution, SYBR® Safe Stain, Microcentrifuge & qPCR Tubes.

All You Need:

qPCR Thermal Cycler, Microcentrifuge, Micropipettes: 5-50 μl, Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus, DC Power Supply, UV Transilluminator or White Light Box, Microwave or Hot Plate, Pipet Pump, Balance, Hot Gloves, Laboratory Gloves, Beaker, Distilled Water, Ice.


Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt

Quick Guides:

Troubleshooting Guides:

Safety Data Sheets: