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Diagnosis of White Blood Cell Counts

SKU: EVT-3106


While white blood cells, or leukocytes, only account for approximately 1% of the total number of cells found in blood, they are a critical part of the immune system, protecting the body from foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. White blood cell counts are often performed as part of a medical diagnosis to determine if the level of white blood cells in a patient’s blood is within or outside the normal range. In this activity ,students will perform white blood cell counts on five different patient samples and suggest possible diagnoses based on the white blood cell levels. The samples contain safe, non-biological simulated cells that do not require staining. Requires microscopes and hemocytometers (not included). Contains enough material for 15 groups and includes Teacher’s Guide and Student Study copymasters.

Aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)®

Disciplinary Core Ideas: LS1.A
Performance Expectations: MS-LS1-1; MS-LS1-3; HS-LS1-2; HS-LS1-3
Cross Cutting Concepts: Scale, proportion, and quantity; Systems and system models; Stability and change
Engineering Practices: Planning and carrying out investigations; Engaging in argument from evidence; Developing and using models

Kit includes:

  • 5 Simulated Blood Samples
  • Patient #1
  • Patient #2
  • Patient #3
  • Patient #4
  • Patient #5


Kit includes:

  • 5 Simulated Blood Samples
  • Patient #1
  • Patient #2
  • Patient #3
  • Patient #4
  • Patient #5