Linking Food Science to Biotechnology: Unlock the Color of Candies

SKU: S-47


NGSS-aligned with MS-PS1.

Investigate how agarose gel electrophoresis unlocks the color code used by food scientists to make colorful candies. Students will extract color activities from common candies and separate the dyes on agarose gel electrophoresis. A fun lab extension involves the use of candy to build a DNA model.

• Explore the biochemistry behind colorful candies
• Understand the biology behind gel electrophoresis
• Perform agarose gel electrophoresis to separate different sized dye molecules
• Extract, identify, and size different food dyes from popular candies


Group Size:

For 10 lab groups

Time Required:

Complete in 45 minutes

Kit Includes:

Instructions, Ready-to-Load QuickStrip™ Dye Samples, UltraSpec-Agarose™, Electrophoresis Buffer (50X), Practice Gel Loading Solution, Disposable Pipets, & Microcentrifuge Tubes

All You Need:

DNA Electrophoresis, Micropipettes: 5-50 µl (Optional), White Light Box (Optional), & Microwave or Hot Plate


Room Temperature


Quick Guides:

Safety Data Sheets:

Instructional Videos:

Edvotek® YouTube Live Stream - The Sweet Laboratory: Exploring Food Science with Candy - Watch as Dr. Danielle Snowflack unlocks the color code of candies by extracting food dyes and S E P A R A T I N G them into their component parts using two different laboratory techniques, paper chromatography and agarose gel electrophoresis! By separating out the different colors, students will learn about complicated mixtures, charges on molecules, and incorporating science into their everyday lives. These experiments can be done at home OR in the classroom, making them a perfect addition to your curriculum!

Group Size:

For 10 lab groups

Time Required:

Complete in 45 minutes

Kit Includes:

Instructions, Ready-to-Load QuickStrip™ Dye Samples, UltraSpec-Agarose™, Electrophoresis Buffer (50X), Practice Gel Loading Solution, Disposable Pipets, & Microcentrifuge Tubes

All You Need:

DNA Electrophoresis, Micropipettes: 5-50 µl (Optional), White Light Box (Optional), & Microwave or Hot Plate


Room Temperature

Quick Guides:

Safety Data Sheets:

Instructional Videos:

Edvotek® YouTube Live Stream - The Sweet Laboratory: Exploring Food Science with Candy - Watch as Dr. Danielle Snowflack unlocks the color code of candies by extracting food dyes and S E P A R A T I N G them into their component parts using two different laboratory techniques, paper chromatography and agarose gel electrophoresis! By separating out the different colors, students will learn about complicated mixtures, charges on molecules, and incorporating science into their everyday lives. These experiments can be done at home OR in the classroom, making them a perfect addition to your curriculum!