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Drosophila Genotyping Using PCR

SKU: 337


Students will learn about DNA polymorphisms by amplifying DNA regions that vary between wild & mutant Drosophila. Amplified DNA from wild-type and white-eyed flies are separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and analyzed.


Group Size:

For 10 lab groups

Time Required:

Extraction - 50 minutes
PCR Setup - 10 minutes
PCR - 2 hours
Electrophoresis - 60 minutes
Staining - 5 minutes to overnight

Kit Includes:

Instructions, PCR EdvoBeads™, universal DNA buffer, TE buffer, EdvoQuick™ DNA ladder, Drosophila LyphoPrimer™, Drosophila WT LyphoTemplate™, potassium acetate, DNA extraction buffer, Proteinase K, Wild-type and White Drosophila, UltraSpec-Agarose™, electrophoresis buffer (50x), SYBR® Safe stain, FlashBlue™ liquid stain, microcentrifuge & PCR tubes.

All You Need:

DNA Electrophoresis, Thermal Cycler, Micropipettes: 5-50 µl, UV or Blue Light Transilluminator, White Light Box (optional), Water Bath, Microcentrifuge & Microwave or Hot plate.


Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt


Group Size:

For 10 lab groups

Time Required:

Extraction - 50 minutes
PCR Setup - 10 minutes
PCR - 2 hours
Electrophoresis - 60 minutes
Staining - 5 minutes to overnight

Kit Includes:

Instructions, PCR EdvoBeads™, universal DNA buffer, TE buffer, EdvoQuick™ DNA ladder, Drosophila LyphoPrimer™, Drosophila WT LyphoTemplate™, potassium acetate, DNA extraction buffer, Proteinase K, Wild-type and White Drosophila, UltraSpec-Agarose™, electrophoresis buffer (50x), SYBR® Safe stain, FlashBlue™ liquid stain, microcentrifuge & PCR tubes.

All You Need:

DNA Electrophoresis, Thermal Cycler, Micropipettes: 5-50 µl, UV or Blue Light Transilluminator, White Light Box (optional), Water Bath, Microcentrifuge & Microwave or Hot plate.


Some Components Require Freezer Storage Upon Receipt