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  • DNA Samples ONLY for 24 Gels in Microtest Tubes

DNA Samples ONLY for 24 Gels in Microtest Tubes

SKU: 130-C


Forensic DNA fingerprinting has become a universally accepted crime-fighting tool. Recent advances use the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify human DNA obtained from crime scenes. This experiment, based on a crime scene scenario, has an inquiry-based component.

Kit includes: Instructions & Ready-to-Load™ DNA samples for 24 gels.

All you need:

Electrophoresis apparatus, power supply, agarose powder, buffer solution, automatic micropipet and tips, balance, microwave or hot plate, visualization system.

Room Temperature Stable. Storage of DNA samples in the Freezer is Recommended.


Kit includes: Instructions & Ready-to-Load™ DNA samples for 24 gels.
All you need:

Electrophoresis apparatus, power supply, agarose powder, buffer solution, automatic micropipet and tips, balance, microwave or hot plate, visualization system.

Room Temperature Stable. Storage of DNA samples in the Freezer is Recommended.